An air conditioner is a device that is used to take out the hot air and put in the cold air or to enter the hot air and to provide cool air. This device has been used extensively especially in areas with high temperatures . For as hot it becomes a nuisance to humans and cold overly it also affects humans. In our country many warm places people like to use AC, to help them get rid of heat and get cold air that will make people comfortable.AC is confined to homes, offices, hospitals, schools, colleges, et

Know all about AC (Air conditioner)

AC is made up of five basic components, which help it to work

  1. Evaporator 
  2. Refrigerant
  3. Compressor
  4. Condenser
  5. Expansion valve.

AC works As follows;

* Refrigerant * is put into the system, this is gas that is used for cooling things, refrigerant or gas (AC blood) gets into the
* Compressor * (AC heart) and since the gas is in the form of low pressure steam so the compressor makes the gas very high pressure by compressing it, thus evaporating high pressure steam. It is transported and pushed by the compressor to the
* Condenser * where the condenser converts the gas into a high-pressure liquid, it continues to travel upstream
* Expansion valve * here this gas that is converted to liquid reduces pressure and has less pressure, it goes on to the gas
* Evaporator * (area to be cooled) This liquid-cooled refrigerant begins to absorb warm air around the evaporator coil (or the coil absorbs hot air) and finds itself warmed and converted back into steam with low pressure and passes to the compressor for another cycle. And the evaporator area provides warm air and cooling air.

That’s how AC works.

As the technology grew, people continued to discover various air conditioning systems as a result of reducing energy costs. So, there are six types of AC;

* A: Central Air Conditioners. *

This is the type of AC that, the Compressor, Condenser coil and Evaporator coil are placed in one place, placed on the ceiling or slab.duct to provide warm air outside and to incorporate cold air.

* B: Ductless, mini-split Air conditioners. *
This is the AC in which the compressor and condenser coil are located on the external unit.

* C: Window Units Air Conditioners. *
It is the AC that the compressor, condenser coil, evaporator coil, and Expansion valves are fitted together.

* D: Portable unit Air Conditioner. *
It uses a window to expel unwanted air. This type of AC transmitter does not stay in one place.

* E: Hybrid Air Conditioner. *
An AC system that uses fossil fuel or electricity, helps in reducing energy consumption.

* F: Geothermal heating and cooling. *
It is the type of AC that uses the warmth of the earth to induce it and give it a cooling effect or it gives the heat in and returns it to the ground. This is one of the Best AC in the world also lasts a long time.

Also when you need to confine AC make sure you check the following items

* + your budget *
* + Relevant location *
It helps you set which AC and what size and number.
* + SEER ratings (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio) *
This will help either in the hot or cold weather, making your AC work better with less energy consumption.AC with 15-seater ratings is good for milder areas.
* + Low energy consumption *
Also look for AC with low energy consumption especially electricity, eliminating frequent energy costs.
* + Position AC shutters especially outdoor units *
Many shut off in the sunshine and find the AC using too much electricity due to the intense heat, as well as the crowded parts of the house or objects, causing the heat to rise, closing in free space and the sunless part of the day.

Know all about AC (Air conditioner)

After looking at introductions about AC, the following are the things that make AC not working properly or fail,  that is;

Gas decrease is caused by the small amount of gas leaking through the gas pipes, so the compressor does a great deal of pumping gas and the gas gets very hot and high pressure and also destroys the compressor (AC heart) and the compressor dies, AC can’t work, but it also causes Ac to freeze, meaning no gas pressure liquid can absorb heat into the evaporator.

The function of the coil evaporator is to make the gas absorb heat and provide cooling air, as it freezes It means the air system flow becomes blocked and the AC does not get enough air to absorb the heat.AC frosting is caused by

  1. No air system flow
  2. Dirt on air filters
  3. Dump on coil evaporator.
  4. the decrease in gas.

The function of the condenser is to convert high pressure vapor gas into Liquid, so when the coil is dirty the gas will pass through without being converted into liquid , resulting in AC failing to operate, since the components of AC are dependent on each other to operate (team work). when they are dirty, they dissolve the air in the heat well.

The function of the bearings is to help expel unwanted hot air, otherwise the circulation causes AC to fail to perform well and cause the compressor to work too much and damage prematurely. The air will be inhaled.

The refrigerant line breaks and the gas starts to leak, and it reduces or completely eliminates the gas. And when the gas goes down it starts to cause problems.

The thermostat is like the sensor on the AC senses the current temperature and allows the AC to turn on or off and is locked around the evaporator coil, so if it has problems it will burn all the time and cause over-cool and may not also be affected due to the thermostat’s malfunction. The coil, meaning it will continue to burn without turning off, leading to over cooling and using too much energy. Even the compressor will be in danger.

After the coil evaporator converts the liquid refrigerant into steam it leaves some water, and in the process the water is drawn out through a drainage hose pipe or pipe. If water fails from it will cause the path to shut down and cause water to go missing and it will ruin the AC’s performance.

AC to work requires energy and most of it uses electric energy. The compressor needs electricity and the fan also uses electricity. If the power supply interrupts it causes AC to malfunction or fails to operate at all. However, when the capacitor dies it causes AC to fail  Regular electrical system.

AC shutting down in a narrow space (houses or many objects) leads to long-term operations Due to the high temperatures and closed solar exposure, it also causes the compressor to overheat and fail to work with the coil.
Pis if closed without good alignment of its mountings causes the hose drainage to fail to provide water properly.

If the pipes are worn out and replaced with a size smaller or larger than the original it will cause the AC to start working below standard.

Everything is too much to cause, even if the AC gas is set too much than the recommended level it also causes AC to fail or to operate below standard.

The refrigerant pipes plug in causing the gas to flow too easily or not to flow at all and results in AC failing to operate properly.

Service should be performed by a person who is well versed in AC, as well as not performing a reliable service will cause air filters to become dirty, dust filled, coils dirty. This all results in AC failing to function properly.

If doors or windows are opened while AC is operating in a specific area, it causes AC to overload, works nonstop due to the outside hot air continuously coming in and causing the compressor to run out and even the fan exhales from wear (as rotating material), thus causing AC to fail. performs well.

Another thing that killed many ACs or caused them to fail To work is to use gas that is different from the original gas approved by manufacturer due to the type and capacity of AC.Use the recommended gas on the applicable AC.

AC uses the card as a backup device, and the card die is often a serious illness. Until we reach the end of our article for Today, meet again for another article.

For professional advice and technical assistance with electronics, its equipment and best electrical systems, contact me.

By luala

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