Here is how to turn on MAC randomization on Windows 8,8.1,10?

    Here is how to turn on MAC randomization on Windows 8,8.1,10?

    Here is how to turn on MAC randomization on Windows 8,8.1,10?
    1. Go to Settings and click on ‘Network & Internet’
    2. Choose the ‘WiFi’ in the left pane and click on the Advanced option.
    3. Turn on the ‘Random Hardware Address’ feature under the settings. If your wireless hardware does not support this feature, the “Random Hardware Addresses” section will not show up at all in the settings app.
    4. Once you have turned this on, you are done.
    5. Also, under the connectivity settings, in radio type, you can see the whole list. Channel interference could be another reason for slow WiFi. So, next time, you might also like to change the radio type settings for better speeds.
      As far as radio type is concerned, you can also change that in your router for a better connection or connectivity. For this purpose, we have a dedicated article on to increase WiFi speed by choosing the correct WiFi channel.

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