Manchila village is located at Serengeti Municipal in Mara Region. Majority of the people of Manchila village are pastoralists and farmers.
Water supply to the village is from a reservoir(Dam). Water from this dam is used for domestic, livestock watering and Agricultural activities such as Irrigation. Sharing of water resource with livestock is not healthier, because it led to the outbreak of water borne disease like typhoid etc.
There is a need of separating the main use of water
Sharing of water resource between human beings and livestock from the same source is challenge to Manchila villagers and has led to an increase of outbreak of water borne diseases
The main objective of this project is to design and sizing a surface water pumping system using solar power from the dam to an overhead tank
- Estimate, solar, irradiation, temperature and humidity of the site.
- Design and size surface water pumping system powered by solar.
- Develop and test surface water pumping system.
Existing System
Proposed System
Planning the works and divided the works according to time basis.
Literature review
Literature is reviewed through resources of articles, books, thesis, or dissertation.
Data collection
It is to obtain information about the instruments regarding price, rating , availability, functions, performance etc.
Data analysis
Measuring data obtained from data collection.
System designing
Process of defining the elements of a system.