Katoro Rice Milling Machine is powered by TANESCO but it experiences under voltage. This problem is caused by heavy loads to machine(s) because of sharing distribution transformer, when one machine with heavy load draw much power it leads to under voltage to the rest machines and these causes the machines to be operated in shift. This problem can lead to delay of production, wastage of time to customers and can drastically reduce the life of the electromechanical equipment and lead to permanent failure.
Main objective
To design a solar micro grid for Katoro rice milling machine.
Specific objective
- To assess the existing system for determining the actual power demand.
- To evaluate solar irradiation and other climatology parameters of the study area.
- To build the prototype of the proposed system.
- To test the prototype
Existing block diagram
Proposed block diagram
Simulation circuit�When the TANESCO supply voltage is in under voltage
when the TANESCO supply Voltage is in operation