7 C’s of effective communication

7 C’s of effective communication  There are 7 C’s of effective communication which are applicable to both written as well as oral communication. These are as follows: 1. Completeness – The communication must be complete. It should convey all facts required by the audience. The sender of the message must take into consideration the receiver’s mind set and … Read more

Good ways to make money online

Earn extra money online 1. No-risk matched betting Hands down the quickest way to make a lot of money (well, without breaking the law). Lots of students have genuinely made £100s from this technique. It’s completely legal, risk free, tax free, and anyone over 18 in the UK can do it (Not in UK? Skip … Read more

How to repair a loudspeaker voice coil.

Material for making of a loudspeaker voice coil Material Insulated copper wire 30 AWG gauge. A piece of aluminum foil 1145. Toluene or epoxy solvent Yellow contact adhesive Slow – drying epoxy resin Scissors Masking tape Thin wooden stick X-rays plastic film A clean cloth Kraft paper Tip spear scalpel Heat gun Winding machine

How to measure good earthing and bad earthing using multmeter | How to measure current or voltage linkage at your house ,office or industry

Voltage (an electromotive force or potential difference expressed in volts) is the pressure from an electrical circuit’s power source that pushes charged electrons (current) through a conducting loop, enabling them to do work such as illuminating a light An electric current is a flow of electric charge. Electric charge flows when there is voltage present … Read more


R207-Z WIFI ROUTER Your Vodafone Mobile Wi-Fi creates a personal portable Wi-Fi network. Use it to share your secure mobile broadband internet connection with other Wi-Fi enabled devices, such as computers, Apple® iPhone, iPad or iPod touch, Android smartphones and tablets like the Samsung® Galaxy Tab, or mobile gaming devices like Nintendo® DSi. You can … Read more

very small aperture terminal (VSAT)

VSAT A very small aperture terminal (VSAT) is a small telecommunication earth station that receives and transmits data, video or voice via satellite. The “very small” component of the VSAT acronym refers to the size of the VSAT dish antenna-typically about 60 cm to 3.8 m.


What is a Satellite? What is a Satellite? • Satellite is a microwave repeater in the space. • to access a satellite requires „line of sight‟ communication – the receiver (satellite dish) must be in the satellite‟s „footprint‟ • most satellites are custom built to perform a function. • Satellite is An artificial body that … Read more