Transformer concept | Transformer formula | Transformer principle.


An apparatus for reducing or increasing the voltage of an alternating current

A transformer is a passive electrical device that transfers electrical energy from one electrical circuit to another, or multiple circuits. A varying current in any one coil of the transformer produces a varying magnetic flux in the transformer’s core, which induces a varying electromotive force across any other coils wound around the same core. Electrical energy can be transferred between separate coils without a metallic (conductive) connection between the two circuits.

Ideal transformer equations
By Faraday’s law of induction:
{displaystyle V_{text{P}}=-N_{text{P}}{frac {mathrm {d} Phi }{mathrm {d} t}}} . . . (eq. 1)
{displaystyle V_{text{S}}=-N_{text{S}}{frac {mathrm {d} Phi }{mathrm {d} t}}} . . . (eq. 2)
Where {displaystyle V} is the instantaneous voltage{displaystyle N} is the number of turns in a winding, dΦ/dt is the derivative of the magnetic flux Φ through one turn of the winding over time (t), and subscripts P and S denotes primary and secondary.
Combining the ratio of eq. 1 & eq. 2:
Turns ratio {displaystyle ={frac {V_{text{P}}}{V_{text{S}}}}={frac {N_{text{P}}}{N_{text{S}}}}=a} . . . (eq. 3)

Where for a step-down transformer a > 1, for a step-up transformer a < 1, and for an isolation transformer a = 1.
By law of conservation of energyapparentreal and reactive power are each conserved in the input and output:
{displaystyle S=I_{text{P}}V_{text{P}}=I_{text{S}}V_{text{S}}} . . . . (eq. 4)
Where {displaystyle S} is conserved power and {displaystyle I} is current.
Combining eq. 3 & eq. 4 with this end note gives the ideal transformer identity:
{displaystyle {frac {V_{text{P}}}{V_{text{S}}}}={frac {I_{text{S}}}{I_{text{P}}}}={frac {N_{text{P}}}{N_{text{S}}}}={sqrt {frac {L_{text{P}}}{L_{text{S}}}}}=a} . (eq. 5)
Where {displaystyle L} is winding self-inductance.
By Ohm’s law and ideal transformer identity:
{displaystyle Z_{text{L}}={frac {V_{text{S}}}{I_{text{S}}}}} . . . (eq. 6)
{displaystyle Z’_{text{L}}={frac {V_{text{P}}}{I_{text{P}}}}={frac {aV_{text{S}}}{I_{text{S}}/a}}=a^{2}{frac {V_{text{S}}}{I_{text{S}}}}=a^{2}{Z_{text{L}}}} . (eq. 7)
Where {displaystyle Z_{text{L}}} is the load impedance of the secondary circuit & {displaystyle Z’_{text{L}}} is the apparent load or driving point impedance of the primary circuit, the superscript {displaystyle ‘} denoting referred to the primary.

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