TDA7313 DESCRIPTION  The TDA7313 is a volume, tone (bass and treble) balance (Left/Right) and fader (front/rear) processor for quality audio applications in car radio and Hi-Fi systems. Selectable input gain and external loudness function are provided. Control is accomplished by serial I2 C bus microprocessor interface.  The AC signal setting is obtained by resistor networks … Read more

ICE3B0565J | ICE3B0565 | ICE380565J IC chip | DATASHEET DOWNLOAD

Power Management & Supply ICE3B0565J | ICE3B0565 | ICE380565J IC chip CoolSET™-F3  ICE3A(B)0365/0565/1065/1565  ICE3A(B)2065/2565  ICE3A0565Z/2065Z  ICE3A(B)2065I/3065I/3565I  ICE3A(B)5065I/5565I  ICE3A(B)2065P/3065P/3565P  ICE3A(B)5065P/5565P  Off-Line SMPS Current Mode Controller with integrated 650V Startup Cell/CoolMOS™ DATASHEET DOWNLOAD

600 Watts full bridge power inverter circuit diagram.

Full bridge power inverter connections. The switching frequency used in this project is 50Hz. It is desired to control the inverter with proper switching signals. The turn on and turn off time of the switches is determined by this PWM control signal generated by  IC controller. Before this control signal is being generated, proper calculation … Read more

PT2313L | 4-Channel Audio Processor IC Circuit Diagram

Audio Processor IC PT2313L is a four-channel digital control audio processor utilizing CMOS Technology. Volume, Bass, Treble and Balance, Front/Rear Fader Processor are incorporated into a single chip. Loudness Function and Selectable Input Gain are also provided to build a highly effective electronic audio processor having the highest performance and reliability with the least external … Read more

Voice detection system

Sensing unit (microphone) output LED. The sensor(microphone) will detect sound that can be heard by human ear, human voice-humans cant hear at level s higher than 20kHz and microphone maximum out at around 24kHz.

3000 watts power inverter Half bridge

 Half bridge power inverter configurations What is Inverter? The inverter is a power electronic converter that converts direct power to alternating power. By using this inverter device, we can convert fixed dc into variable ac power which as a variable frequency and voltage. Secondly from this inverter, we can vary the frequency . we will … Read more

Samsung led TV | LED TV troubleshooting

LED TV troubleshooting Disconnect the mother board from the power supply the led will come on when plugged on the mains , that’s a sign that the power supply is good. Change the motherboard. You can also isolate all the cables from the power supply and just where the motherboard cable connects jump the power … Read more